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Testing Spring Boot JMS with ActiveMQ Artemis and Testcontainers

Currently, I’m teaching JMS with Spring Boot at the University of Applied Science in Bern, Switzerland. We use Apache ActiveMQ Artemis as the JMS message broker. But how can we test our Spring Boot application? Testcontainers to the Rescue Currently, there is no Testcontainers Java module for ActiveMQ Artemis. As you can see in the Testcontainers GitHub repository, there is an active activemq branch that may …

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Foojay Podcast #36: J-Fall Report, Part 3

In Episodes 33 and 34 of the Foojay Podcast, you got the first two parts of our J-Fall Report. But on that single-day conference, we had many more interesting interviews. This is part 3 in which my guests talk about Maven, contributing to Open Source projects, JOOQ, Desktop Applications, Thymeleaf, htmx, and Security. Video report Podcast (audio only) Content 00:00 …

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Creating Executables For JavaFX Applications

Here on Foojay, you can already find some great articles on how to create native executables from your JavaFX code: Native Applications for Multiple Devices from a Single JavaFX Project with Gluon Mobile and GitHub Actions JavaFX Templates for Desktop Applications Let’s take a look in this article at the current state of what can be done with jpackage and …

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