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Let’s Replace the synchronized Keyword

Let’s see in this article different ways to replace the synchronized keyword to make our code more virtual threads friendly. Lines of code of the different solutions discussed in this article Synchronized and pinning threads Since Java 21, we can enjoy virtual threads and have more than 1 million threads in Java.But it has a condition, the virtual thread shouldn’t …

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Remotely Recording a JFR Log from a Container (Without Using the Command Line)

Java Flight Recorder (JFR) is the go-to technology for recording and viewing JVM and system metrics. JFR records JFR logs which reveal much about the running application, the health of the JVM and the stability of the system. JFR logs are easily obtained by simply going into the command line / terminal and entering a few commands. But what if you …

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Why This JCON Europe Talk Is Unmissable (Part 2)

JCON Europe in Cologne is around the corner (and here are your free Foojay JCON tickets), May 13 to 16. Why should you go? Well, one reason is that the talks will be awesome. Here’s the start of a series of reasons why some of them are absolutely unmissable! Jakarta EE 11 – Performance and Developer Productivity – Ivar Grimstad Thursday, …

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