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Unleashing the Power of Git Bisect

Author: Shai Almog Original post on Foojay: Read More The Essence of Debugging with Git Setting the Stage for Debugging Initiating Bisect Mode Marking the Known Good Revision Marking the Known Bad Revision Bisecting to Find the Culprit Expected Output Reset and Analysis Advanced Usage and Tips Script Automation for Precision and Efficiency Handling Flaky Tests with Strategy Skipping Commits …

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Easily containerize Java applications with cloud native buildpacks

Author: Grace Jansen Original post on Foojay: Read More The concept of containers has helped to bring Java developers closer than ever to the cloud-native idiom of ‘write once, run anywhere.’ Effectively and efficiently containerizing your Java application can be much more of a challenge than you might originally expect, especially when you might not be a container expert. Having …

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FEPCOS-J: Implementing a Java Server and a Rust Client without Manual Network Programming

Author: Gerhard Fuchs Original post on Foojay: Read More FEPCOS-J allows declaratively implementing a Java server and generating its profile, which, for example, can be used to generate the networking code of a Rust client. Introduction As I have shown in a previous post [1] and a video [2], the FEPCOS-J development tool [3] prototypically implements a Java language extension …

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