Let’s Replace the synchronized Keyword

Let’s see in this article different ways to replace the synchronized keyword to make our code more virtual threads friendly. Lines of code of the different solutions discussed in this article Synchronized and pinning threads Since Java 21, we can enjoy virtual threads and have more than 1 million threads in Java.But it has a condition, the virtual thread shouldn’t …

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Why This JCON Europe Talk Is Unmissable (Part 2)

JCON Europe in Cologne is around the corner (and here are your free Foojay JCON tickets), May 13 to 16. Why should you go? Well, one reason is that the talks will be awesome. Here’s the start of a series of reasons why some of them are absolutely unmissable! Jakarta EE 11 – Performance and Developer Productivity – Ivar Grimstad Thursday, …

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Foojay Podcast #48: JUG Oberpfalz, JCON Conference, and JAVAPRO Magazine

Once a month, in the Foojay Podcast, we discuss the history of a Java User Group and the people behind it. In this episode, we are in Oberpfalz, Germany, for a particular reason; the organizers of the local JUG are the same people responsible for the JCON conference in Cologne in a few weeks. Let’s also learn more about this …

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Writting a Data Orchestrator in Java

A data orchestrator is a platform to schedule, organize, and monitor data-oriented workflow. A workflow is a set of tasks, most data orchestrators come with built-in tasks for a wide range of technologies and provide support for custom processing via a scripting language. A data orchestrator can have multiple types of triggers to start a workflow. Most Data orchestrators are …

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Crowd-Publishing the 10x Java Dev Book

Java transformed the world of software development as we know it and continues to evolve as a platform and language. Nevertheless, the “enlightenment roadmap” of a Java developer can be scary. How do you become the 10x Java Developer you always dreamed of becoming? That’s the question Steve Poole and Olimpiu Pop embarked on to respond. And, what better way …

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Five ways to pass parameters to Apache APISIX

I recently read 6 Ways To Pass Parameters to Spring REST API. Though the title is a bit misleading, as it’s unrelated to REST, it does an excellent job listing all ways to send parameters to a Spring application. I want to do the same for Apache APISIX; it’s beneficial when you write a custom plugin. General setup The general …

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JavaFX Links of April 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of April 2024, published on jfx-central.com during this month. Core Gluon published new releases of JavaFX: 22.0.1 and the LTS releases 17.0.11 and 21.0.3. You can get them from Maven Central and the Gluon website. The new builds of Java and JavaFX, that were released this week, contain several fixes related to …

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Why This JCON Europe Talk Is Unmissable (Part 1)

JCON Europe in Cologne is around the corner (and here are your free Foojay JCON tickets), May 13 to 16. Why should you go? Well, one reason is that the talks will be awesome. Here’s the start of a series of reasons why some of them are absolutely unmissable! DevOps for Java Developers (Or Maybe Against Them?!) – Baruch Sadogursky …

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Java: Functional Programming f(x) – Part1

Mathematics serves as the driving force behind significant advancements in computer science from my perspective. We deeply root the fundamental principles that we utilize in our daily programming tasks and application development in mathematical concepts. I am constantly intrigued by the opportunity to incorporate mathematical ideas into the programming languages I work with as a student of Mathematics. Many other …

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The High Availability Features of Microservices using Chronicle Services

In low-latency microservices, ensuring system resilience without compromising performance is vital. This article explores how Chronicle Services, a Java-based framework optimised for low-latency microservices, meets these critical requirements by integrating HA, performance, and data persistence. Stateful and Stateless Services A Chronicle Service application consists of a number of processing units known as Services, which interact with each other using events …

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