Foojay Status Report: July 2023

Since the start of the Friends of OpenJDK community in April 2020, we’ve had half yearly status reports, providing the highlights of the past half year, together with some stats and analysis, ending with roadmaps for the next upcoming periods. Note: Here are the earlier reports, from January – June 2021, July – December 2021, and January – June 2022. …

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Working on An Unfamiliar Codebase

In our profession, it’s common to work on an unfamiliar codebase. It happens every time one joins a new project or even needs to work on a previously untouched part in big ones. This occurrence is not limited to a developer having to fix a bug; it can be a solution architect having to design a new feature or an …

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JavaFX Links of June 2023

Again a lot has been shared this month in the #LinksOfTheWeek! And that website itself is “under heavy construction” as version 2 is getting a completely new design and several improvements. Your help is wanted! See the last section of this summary… Core Rampdown Phase 1 (RDP1) for JavaFX 21 starts on July 13, 2023 at 16:00 UTC (09:00 …

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The Curious Case of Different Runtimes

While running some final tests, we noticed extremely erratic runtime behavior. It was hard to reproduce but very annoying because it means that the application runtime goes up from 5 to almost 14 min. This article tries to show how we diagnosed it and condensed it down to a few test cases. These might hopefully help us to provide some …

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How to Optimise CPU Performance Through Isolation and System Tuning

What are the challenges of tuning your CPU and system for optimal performance with Linux, and how does Chronicle Tune address them? CPU isolation and efficient system management are critical for any application which requires low-latency and high-performance computing. These measures are especially important for high-frequency trading systems, where split-second decisions on buying and selling stocks must be made. To …

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Time Machine: A Look-Back at Java Sessions from NODES 2022

Figure 1. Base Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash As we prepare for NODES 2023, I wanted to pull out the time machine and review the Java sessions from NODES 2022. I will be submitting some abstracts to the 2023 Call for Proposal here soon, likely in the Java category, so I thought looking at last year’s sessions might give …

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Debugging OpenJDK Tests in VSCode (Without Losing Your Mind)

Consider you want to debug a test case of the JDK like serviceability/AsyncGetCallTrace. This test, and many others, are implemented using the Regression Test Harness for the JDK (jtreg): jtreg is the test harness used by the JDK test framework. This framework is intended primarily for regression tests. It can also be used for unit tests, functional tests, and even …

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Foojay Podcast 26: The Future of Source Control and CI/CD

As developers, we like to automate the boring parts of our job. This automation includes the source control system, build pipelines, and code analysis tools. In recent decades, we have seen evolutions from CVS to Subversion to Git. Is this the endpoint? Did we find the holy grail in version control? Or what evolutions are waiting for us? Let’s find …

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