Canary Releases with Apache APISIX

In a few words, the idea of canary releases is to deliver a new software version to only a fraction of the users, analyze the results, and decide whether to proceed further or not. If results are not aligned with expectations, roll back; if they are, increase the number of users exposed until all users benefit from the new version. …

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Foojay Podcast #37: J-Fall Report, Part 4 (final)

Check the previous Foojay Podcasts for the first three parts of our J-Fall report (part 1, part 2, and part 3). That one-day conference in the Netherlands in November was packed with amazing sessions. In this episode, you’ll get the remaining interviews we made that day! And as they say, last but not least, again, we have some fascinating insights …

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Book Review: The Software Engineer’s Guidebook

Gergely Orosz’s book, “The Software Engineer’s Guidebook,” takes readers on an enthralling exploration of the realm of software development, working in various companies, and startups. A software engineer in a startup or Big Tech company traces the journey in this book, starting from a beginner developer to a principal engineer. This book serves as a comprehensive guide, especially beneficial for …

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Profiling Maven Projects with my IntelliJ Profiler Plugin

Or: I just released version 0.0.11 with a cool new feature that I can’t wait to tell you about… According to the recent JetBrains survey, most people use Maven as their build system and build Spring Boot applications with Java. Yet my profiling plugin for IntelliJ only supports profiling pure Java run configurations. Configurations where the JVM gets passed the …

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FEPCOS-J (3) – Build native executables of Java-coded networked systems

FEPCOS-J prototypically enables Java developers to realize networked systems without low-level network programming and to automatically build native executables by means of GraalVM. This post introduces the concept and gives you an example by rebuilding the source code explained in my previous posts. Please help me to make FEPCOS-J a Free/Libre and Open-Source Software (FLOSS). Introduction FEPCOS-J [1] enables a …

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[Unit] Testing Supabase in Kotlin using Test Containers – PART 2

TL;DR : You can run a full Supabase instance inside Test Containers quite easily. See this repository. In my last article, I was listing a few attempts I had done at running tests against my Kotlin Supabase application. The way the Supabase-Kt library is built makes it hard to mock, and I ended up building a minimal Docker Compose setup …

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Testing Spring Boot JMS with ActiveMQ Artemis and Testcontainers

Currently, I’m teaching JMS with Spring Boot at the University of Applied Science in Bern, Switzerland. We use Apache ActiveMQ Artemis as the JMS message broker. But how can we test our Spring Boot application? Testcontainers to the Rescue Currently, there is no Testcontainers Java module for ActiveMQ Artemis. As you can see in the Testcontainers GitHub repository, there is an active activemq branch that may …

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Foojay Podcast #36: J-Fall Report, Part 3

In Episodes 33 and 34 of the Foojay Podcast, you got the first two parts of our J-Fall Report. But on that single-day conference, we had many more interesting interviews. This is part 3 in which my guests talk about Maven, contributing to Open Source projects, JOOQ, Desktop Applications, Thymeleaf, htmx, and Security. Video report Podcast (audio only) Content 00:00 …

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Creating Executables For JavaFX Applications

Here on Foojay, you can already find some great articles on how to create native executables from your JavaFX code: Native Applications for Multiple Devices from a Single JavaFX Project with Gluon Mobile and GitHub Actions JavaFX Templates for Desktop Applications Let’s take a look in this article at the current state of what can be done with jpackage and …

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