Java Articles by

September, 2024

  • 16 September

    Foojay Podcast #57: Welcome to OpenJDK (Java) 23

    Author: Frank Delporte Original post on Foojay: Read More OpenJDK (Java) 23 is (almost) here! OpenJDK 23 introduces three new features to the language and runtime and many bug fixes, small improvements, and a longer list of preview features. What are the most important facts about this release? Let’s find out… Video Podcast (Audio Only) Guests Simon Ritter  …

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  • 12 September

    Health Check Response Format for HTTP APIs

    Author: Nicolas Frankel Original post on Foojay: Read More I’m continuing my journey on getting more familiar with HTTP APIs by reading related RFCs. This time, I read the Health Check Response Format for HTTP APIs on the suggestion of Stefano Fago. In this article, I’d like to summarize my reading. Note that it’s a draft. Moreover, it has been …

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  • 12 September

    DRY your Apache APISIX config

    Author: Nicolas Frankel Original post on Foojay: Read More DRY is an important principle in software development. In this article, you learn how to apply it to Apache APISIX configuration. The DRY principle “Don’t repeat yourself” (DRY) is a principle of software development aimed at reducing repetition of information which is likely to change, replacing it with abstractions that are …

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  • 11 September

    A Fresh Look at Embedded Java

    Author: Frank Delporte Original post on Foojay: Read More Since its inception, Java has promised to “Write Once, Run Anywhere.” In its early days, the main focus of Java was embedded devices, such as set-top boxes and televisions. But soon, it became one of the leading programming languages powering high-scale business applications that can handle massive amounts of transactions with …

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  • 10 September

    Press the Easy Button: Organize a Virtual Conference Schedule with a Graph Database

    Author: Jennifer Reif Original post on Foojay: Read More Putting together a conference schedule for NODES 2024 (one of my favorite events of the year) is a massive undertaking, but my colleague and I used technologies and tools at our disposal to make this process a little more efficient and greatly reduce opportunities for mistakes. Every year, Neo4j hosts the …

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  • 9 September

    Browserless Testing of Vaadin Applications with Karibu Testing

    Author: Simon Martinelli Original post on Foojay: Read More In modern web development, testing is essential for ensuring the reliability and performance of applications. For developers working with Vaadin, one of the best testing tools is Karibu Testing. This testing framework stands out for its ability to run browserless testing, offering several advantages over traditional end-to-end testing approaches, such as …

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  • 5 September

    Top Security Flaws Hiding In Your Code Right Now: And How To Fix Them

    Author: Jonathan Vila Original post on Foojay: Read More Recent years have seen numerous injection attacks causing significant damage, including a 2019 SQL injection breach in the Fortnite video game and a 2018 attack on Tesla’s systems. Other serious incidents involve the Log4Shell logging injection and a deserialization attack on Atlassian Jira. These examples show that various code vulnerabilities can …

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  • 5 September

    Updating the Twelve-Factor app methodology: A call for participation

    Author: Grace Jansen Original post on Foojay: Read More The 12 factor application methodology is being updated and we need your help with it! Be a part of this project helping to update and modernize the original methodology to enable it to be even more effective for modern cloud-native applications. What is the 12 factor app methdology? Originally created back …

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  • 4 September

    Java 23: What’s New?

    Author: Loic Mathieu Original post on Foojay: Read More As soon as Java 23 is out, it’ll be time to walk through all the functionalities that this version bring to us as developers. First of all, something has happened that, to my knowledge, has never happened before in a Java release: a preview feature has been removed! The String Templates …

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  • 2 September

    Implementing the Idempotency-Key specification on Apache APISIX

    Author: Nicolas Frankel Original post on Foojay: Read More Recently, I wrote an analysis of the IETF Idempotency-Key specification. The specification aims to avoid duplicated requests. In short, the idea is for the client to send a unique key along with the request: If the server doesn’t know the key, it proceeds as usual and then stores the response If …

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