
J-Fall 2024 Call for Papers has officially opened

Calling all Java enthusiasts, innovators, and experts! Ready to share your insights at J-Fall 2024 – the premier Java conference of the year? 🗣️ We’re seeking dynamic speakers for J-Fall 2024 on November 7th. If you have an intriguing story related to Java that you’d like to share with the NLJUG Community, submit your paper for J-Fall 2024 on November …

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It seems like J-Fall 2024 is still far away, but the call for papers will open soon and we are looking for new talent! Have you secretly always wondered what it would be like to be a speaker? But you’re not an expert on anything or you don’t have a clue what to speak about? Then here’s the thing for …

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Masters of Java 2023 – Recap

Wednesday, November 8 the Masters of Java 2023 took place in Veenendaal. The annual code challenge for Java Developers of all levels. Organized by NLJUG with, First8 Conclusion, as the main sponsor responsible for the software and the tasks. Article by: First 8 Conclusion 65(!) enthusiastic developers, divided into 42 teams, were eager to get started. For some, it was …

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Last Thursday, November 9th, during the 20th edition of Europe’s largest Java conference, J-Fall 2023, the  NLJUG Innovation Award was presented for the third time. TriOpSys emerged as the winner! Among the three nominees selected by the jury, TriOpSys was chosen by the J-Fall visitors for their Decision Support Tool (DST), developed for the Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL). …

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J-Fall 2023: registratie geopend en programma online

Het is tijd voor een mijlpaal! In 2023 vieren we het 20-jarig jubileum van NLJUG en J-Fall, de grootste Java-conferentie van Nederland. Het programma voor J-Fall 2023 is nu bekend, en we zijn verheugd om aan te kondigen dat de registratie officieel is geopend. Op 9 november biedt J-Fall wederom een uitgebreid programma over alle onderwerpen die cruciaal zijn voor …

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J-Fall 2022 Top rated sessions and Aftermovie!

Last month the biggest Java Conference of the Netherlands took place in PathĂ© Ede: J-Fall. With 1.800 NLJUG members it was once again a great success! Of course, we hope you were there. But if you weren’t, don’t worry! You will be able to (re)watch the sessions soon on the NLJUG YouTube channel. But in the meantime, you can already …

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Winner NLJUG Innovation Award 2022!

During the 19th edition of the J-Fall Conference, which took place on November 3rd in PathĂ© Ede, the winner of the NLJUG Innovation Award was chosen live on stage by 1.500 Java developers. The three nominees were announced before J-Fall took place: Adyen, Maqqie en Omoda. They presented their innovative project to the audience via a video pitch. After which …

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NLJUG Event App: ready for J-Fall 2019!

Donderdag 31 oktober is het tijd voor J-Fall 2019. Er zijn allemaal dingen om rekening mee te houden ter voorbereiding, hierover krijg je als bezoeker een mailtje. Maar waar moet je sowieso voor zorgen? Download the NLJUG Event App! Met de app heb je al de informatie die je nodig hebt in je broekzak. Wat kan je er dan zoal …

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