Java Articles by

October, 2024

  • 15 October

    Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Gatherers upgrades pipeline design pattern JEP-461

    Author: Miro Wengner Original post on Foojay: Read More Source-code flexibility goes hands in hands with maintainability and testability. The Java language benefits not only from its maturity but also from the fact that it is one of a strongly typed language. This may initiate possible discussion topics, as each defined variable requires its type to be known, which can …

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  • 14 October

    Augmenting the client with HTMX

    Author: Nicolas Frankel Original post on Foojay: Read More This article is part of a series comparing different ways to implement asynchronous requests on the client to augment the latter. So far, I described the process with Vue.js and Alpine.js. Both are similar from the developers’ point of view: they involve JavaScript. In this post, I’ll focus on HTMX, whose …

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  • 14 October

    Augmenting the client with Alpine.js

    Author: Nicolas Frankel Original post on Foojay: Read More This article is part of a series comparing different ways to implement asynchronous requests on the client, which is colloquially known as AJAX. I dedicated the previous post to Vue.js; I’ll dedicate this one to Alpine.js – not to be confused with Alpine Linux. I’ll follow the same structure as previously. …

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  • 14 October

    Augmenting the client with Vue.js

    Author: Nicolas Frankel Original post on Foojay: Read More In my previous article, I laid the ground to build upon; now is the time to start “for real”. I heard a lot of Vue.js. Additionally, a friend who transitioned from developer to manager told me good things about Vue, which further piqued my interest. I decided to have a look …

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  • 10 October

    Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Builder Pattern Simplicity with JEP-455 Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Preview)

    Author: Miro Wengner Original post on Foojay: Read More The runtime initiation of any program requires allocating a given memory and after many additional steps the first object could be created. In a previous post, we explored how to improve maintainability of complex creation processes by using the factory creational pattern[4] and JEP-482, flexible constructor bodies. The factory design may …

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  • 8 October

    Unleashing the Power of Git Bisect

    Author: Shai Almog Original post on Foojay: Read More The Essence of Debugging with Git Setting the Stage for Debugging Initiating Bisect Mode Marking the Known Good Revision Marking the Known Bad Revision Bisecting to Find the Culprit Expected Output Reset and Analysis Advanced Usage and Tips Script Automation for Precision and Efficiency Handling Flaky Tests with Strategy Skipping Commits …

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  • 7 October

    Easily containerize Java applications with cloud native buildpacks

    Author: Grace Jansen Original post on Foojay: Read More The concept of containers has helped to bring Java developers closer than ever to the cloud-native idiom of ‘write once, run anywhere.’ Effectively and efficiently containerizing your Java application can be much more of a challenge than you might originally expect, especially when you might not be a container expert. Having …

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  • 4 October

    FEPCOS-J: Implementing a Java Server and a Rust Client without Manual Network Programming

    Author: Gerhard Fuchs Original post on Foojay: Read More FEPCOS-J allows declaratively implementing a Java server and generating its profile, which, for example, can be used to generate the networking code of a Rust client. Introduction As I have shown in a previous post [1] and a video [2], the FEPCOS-J development tool [3] prototypically implements a Java language extension …

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  • 4 October

    Exploring New Features in JDK 23: Null object pattern to avoid null pointer exception with JEP-455

    Author: Miro Wengner Original post on Foojay: Read More The newest release JDK 23 [2] comes with a neat extension to pattern matching for switch and instanceof statements, JEP-455: Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof and switch [1]. While the introduction of pattern matching can be considered a crucial element in moving the Java platform into a functional paradigm, it introduced …

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  • 3 October

    Gear Up for NODES 2024: What to Know

    Author: Jennifer Reif Original post on Foojay: Read More NODES is a free, virtual conference run by Neo4j for developers, data scientists, and other technical roles who want to learn more about graph databases and how they can be used to solve complex problems. Join us online November 7! The NODES 2024 conference is approaching fast, and we have a …

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