Embracing Modernity: A Comprehensive Look at Sealed Classes, Pattern Matching, and Functional Paradigms in Java

Introduction The introduction of Sealed Classes in Java and the combination with pattern matching in switch statements has sparked a debate among software developers.  The argument in question raises concerns about the real-life use cases for Sealed Classes and suggests that pattern matching with switch might promote poor coding practices.  This article aims to counter these assertions by examining the …

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Gerrit and Ivar’s North America JUG Tour!

Aloha, because I will be in the US this month, I decided to do a little Java User Group tour again. Ivar Grimstad from the Eclipse Foundation will join me and we will visit a couple of JUGs in the week from the 18th to the 22nd of September. Just in case you are in the area and interested to …

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The New JdbcClient Introduced in Spring Framework 6.1

Spring framework 6.1 introduced a new JdbcClient API, which is a wrapper on top of JdbcTemplate, for performing database operations using a fluent API. Spring Boot 3.2 is going to include Spring framework 6.1, so let’s take a quick look at how we can use JdbcClient to implement various database operations in a simplified manner. First, let’s go to https://start.spring.io/ …

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Load Testing: Shoot Your Application With Gatling

What is load testing? Load testing entails testing how our application performs under a significant load so we can be certain it behaves as expected when there’s an influx of users. Or at least so we know what it can cope it, and at what point we might potentially need to take action. After all, it might not (only) be …

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Ops friendly Apache APISIX

Though I always worked on the Dev side of IT, I was also interested in the Ops side. I even had a short experience being a WebSphere admin: I used it several times, helping Ops deal with the Admin console while being a developer. Providing a single package that Ops can configure and deploy in different environments is very important. …

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OpenRewrite: Automatic Code Refactoring and Maintenance

As software engineers and architects, we often face the challenge of upgrading dependencies, security patches, and framework upgrades to the latest versions. Enterprise organizations often have legacy code developed and maintained for a long time. Updating dependency versions in the build file in many build files in the software projects, and implementing large framework upgrades can be a daunting task …

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JUGPH: Continuing the Connection with the Java Enthusiasts

Continuing the connection with the Java Enthusiasts and the efforts of Java User Group Philippines (JUG PH), we finished our 2nd and 3rd meetup last June and August 2023. This is the JUG PH Continuation Report of the revitalized report here: https://foojay.io/today/java-user-group-ph-report-2023/. The speakers of these meetups were composed of Tristan Mahinay, the JUG PH Leader and Yee Kang Chang, …

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Foojay Podcast #27: Chicago JUG and KUG

Since December last year, the Foojay podcast virtually visited a Java User Group monthly. This journey has already brought us to many places around the world. And this time, we are in Chicago to learn from the Java and Kotlin user groups. Guests Mary Grygleski https://foojay.social/@mgrygles https://twitter.com/mgrygles John Burns https://bigshoulders.city/@wakingrufus https://twitter.com/wakingrufus Podcast Host: Frank Delporte https://foojay.social/@frankdelporte https://twitter.com/FrankDelporte Links Chicago JUG …

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Unlocking Java Wisdom: A Conversation with Oracle ACE Simon Martinelli

In a recent insightful interview, Simon Martinelli, an Oracle ACE associate and veteran Java developer, shares his career experiences, software development philosophies, and views on mentoring. With over two decades in the industry, Martinelli offers a perspective that combines the wisdom of experience with a focus on simplicity and constant learning. Profiles: Homepage: martinelli.ch LinkedIn: Simon Martinelli on LinkedIn Twitter: …

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Book review: “OpenJDK Migration for Dummies”

In the past couple of years, there have been quite a lot of Oracle Java licensing changes which can have quite the impact on how much using the Oracle JDK will cost your organization, especially since under the latest terms it’s quite easy to have a “rogue” install cost you quite a bit. This is where the new free book …

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