Down the Rabbit Hole of an Apache APISIX Plugin

My demo, Evolving your APIs, features a custom Apache APISIX plugin. I believe that the process of creating a custom plugin is relatively well-documented. However, I wanted to check the parameters of the _M.access(conf, ctx) function, especially the ctx one. The documentation states: The ctx parameter caches data information related to the request. You can use core.log.warn(core.json.encode(ctx, true)) to output …

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How Software Companies Give Away Stuff for Free

In today’s world, it has never been easier to get your hands on a piece of software for evaluation purposes. Having worked for multiple enterprise companies, I have noticed over the years that they all take different approaches to allowing developers to get their hands dirty with their tech. There are many different ways of doing this and in this …

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Visit Azul at Devoxx

Devoxx Belgium 2023 is finally here! To mark the 20th anniversary of the conference and the release of the new Azul book OpenJDK Migration for Dummies, this post summarizes all the logistical details you need to know to get the most out of Azul at Devoxx! Devoxx Belgium will take place on 2 – 6 October 2023 at Kinepolis in Antwerp (Belgium). This edition is …

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Book Review: Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture

I recently completed reading “Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture” authored by Tom Hombergs and I deem it an indispensable resource for developers aspiring to produce clean code and implement the Hexagonal Architecture. Consequently, I have resolved to compose a review to aid numerous individuals who harbor a fervent interest in technology! Title: Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean …

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Mastering the Challenges of OpenJDK Migration.

Ah, the halcyon days of Java development, where coding was king and APIs were the castle! From the nitty-gritty of the Java VM and garbage collection to the euphoria of leveraging new APIs, life was straightforward. With each Java update, you could expect nothing but improvements, a far cry from other ecosystems where every new version turned into a mini-project …

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Eliminating Bugs Using the Tong Motion Approach

Understanding the Process of Elimination in Debugging The Basics Using External Tools The Power of Unit Tests in Debugging Benefits of Mocking Frameworks The Challenges with Flaky Issues The Concept of the ‘Tong Motion’ Applying the Tong Motion to Debugging An Illustrative Case: Debugging a Server Performance Issue Wrapping Up Software debugging can often feel like a never-ending maze. Just …

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New FXComponents Library Released

A new library for Java / JavaFX has just been released. The library’s name is FXComponents and it is a Java library that contains a collection of new controls to be used in JavaFX applications. As of the time of writing, FXComponents is being built using Java 17 and JavaFX 20. Below is a brief description of the controls currently …

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Using JLink to create smaller Docker images for your Spring Boot Java application

Containers bring new flexibility and agility to software development and deployment. However, they also introduce a new attack surface that malicious actors can exploit. A compromised container can give an attacker access to other containers and even the host system. Smaller images that contain fewer artifacts are already a great help in achieving a smaller attack surface. In this article, …

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Monkey-patching in Java

The JVM is an excellent platform for monkey-patching. Monkey patching is a technique used to dynamically update the behavior of a piece of code at run-time. A monkey patch (also spelled monkey-patch, MonkeyPatch) is a way to extend or modify the runtime code of dynamic languages (e.g. Smalltalk, JavaScript, Objective-C, Ruby, Perl, Python, Groovy, etc.) without altering the original source …

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