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J-Fall 2021 top rated sessions & aftermovie!

3 weeks ago the biggest Java Conference of the Netherlands took place in Pathé Ede: J-Fall. With 1.300 NLJUG members it was once again a great success! Of course, we hope you were there. But if you weren’t, don’t worry! You will be able to (re)watch the sessions soon. But in the meantime, you can already browse through the photos …

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How to obtain a ticket for J-Fall 2021

J-Fall 2021 sold out in less than 24 hours! Are you one of the lucky ones who scored a ticket? Nice, we’ll see you there. Unfortunately missed out? Don’t worry and keep reading. The Masters of Java competition (read all about it at the bottom of this post) or Pre-conference workshops are your way in. Sign up for either one …

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Java 17 !

Oracle heeft vandaag de beschikbaarheid aangekondigd van Java 17, de nieuwste versie van ‘s werelds nummer één programmeertaal en ontwikkelplatform. Java 17 bevat duizenden prestatie-, stabiliteits- en beveiligingsupdates, evenals 14 JEP’s (JDK Enhancement Proposals) die de Java-taal en het Java-platform verder verbeteren en developers helpen om productiever te zijn. Java 17 is de nieuwste LTS-release (Long Term Support) en is …

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