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‘Het IoT Surfboard was niet ons doel’

Innovatie kan uit vreemde hoeken komen. Vinicius en Yara Senger zijn al jaren een bekend developersstel in de Java-wereld, maar reizen tegenwoordig ook de wereld rond om hun eigen hardware-uitvinding aan de man te brengen. “Het was bedoeld voor training, en educatie.”

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JCP Update

Een update over de NLJUG-deelname het Java Community Process

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The Design of Everyday Code

There is something weird about our industry - we like memes; short acronyms that we cannot forget: DRY, GRASP and (the most famous one) - SOLID. The hero of my today's ramblings. SOLID is considered the foundation of the modern software development practice, next to clean code, test driven development and probably a few others. What bothers me, is that we got a bit dogmatic here, not getting the essence of those principles. What does SOLID really stand for? Why are those practices essential? What’s so appealing about them?

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