Masters of Java 2020!

Masters of Java, which self-respecting Dutch Java developer does not know the unofficial Dutch championship programming? The best Java developers in the Netherlands have been competing for this prestigious title for several years. This year we will do it a little bit different than last years.

Because of the current Corona-regulations, Masters of Java 2020 will have a different shape than last years, this year it will be fully online. The whole event will be finetuned to this new form, you can not miss this. As you might expect from us: The assignments will be challenging and many teams are able to join.

Furthermore, we are very proud to announce the Masters of Java Sneak Peek. This pre-event takes place on September 24th and it’s for the people who are not sure yet if they want to join the real deal.

Looking for more information about Master of Java or the Sneak Peek? Or do you want to register to one of them? You can find it all right here