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Gratis Java-training over Oracle Cloud Infrastructure en examen voor maar €20,80

Krijg een gratis Java-training over Oracle Cloud Infrastructure en leg het certificeringsexamen af voor maar $ 25 (€20,79). Als onderdeel van de lopende #Java25 verjaardags-viering, biedt Oracle een tijdelijke aanbieding van $ 25 om de Java-certificering te behalen. Laatste dag om te registreren en het examen af ​​te leggen is 25 april 2021. Klik hier om meer te weten te …

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RxJava 2 migration tips

Most projects that use RxJava should have been migrated to RxJava 2 or RxJava 3 by now as RxJava 1 is officially announced to be end-of-life since March 31st 2018. Nevertheless some projects are still using RxJava 1 and I’m currently involved in a project with a pretty big codebase that needs to be migrated from RxJava 1 to RxJava …

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Blog: Kilo’s, tarwegras en Kubernetes

Toen het bekend werd dat tarwegras gezond was om te eten, gingen veel consumenten snel naar de winkel om er kilo’s van te kopen. Echter bleek tarwegras alleen, zonder andere ingrediënten, een teleurstelling en oneetbaar. Het is dan ook geen toeval dat tarwegras het eerste is dat me te binnen schiet als ik aan Kubernetes denk. Containertechnologie was ooit het …

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Running AWS locally with LocalStack

More and more companies are switching over to cloud native. As a developer this gives me a lot of services to create awesome applications. The one challenge that occurred to me right away was how to use all those new components during development. Since some companies do not have a testing/development environment in their cloud provider to play with. This …

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rssfeed test

[wp_rss_retriever url=”″ items=”5″ excerpt=”0″ read_more=”false” credits=”false” new_window=”true” thumbnail=”200″ cache=”12 hours”]

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BarcelonaJUG organiseert zijn eigen JBCNConf

JBCNConf is a conference organized by the BarcelonaJUG, that will be from 27th to 29th of May 2019, in Barcelona, Spain. In this 5th edition we are very proud of where we are, what we have achieved and what we are going. The CFP is open but we already have confirmed Brian Goetz, Venkat Subramaniam, Josh Long, Arun Gupta, Mario Fusco and …

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Trip naar J-Fall 2018 blog door Code Nomads

Zo’n 5 maanden geleden was het tijd voor J-Fall 2018 en stiekem zijn wij alweer bezig met de eerste voorbereidingen van J-Fall 2019. Wil je weten hoe J-Fall is als bezoeker? Check dan nu de blog gemaakt door Code Nomads!

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JSR 371 (MVC 1.0)

Our first NLJUG JCP meeting was held on June 9th, 2016, and the subject of this event was the JSR 371 specification (“MVC 1.0”), which is to be included in Java EE 8. The programme for the evening was as follows: An introduction into the specification was given (see for the slides) After a short dinner break, the participants got some …

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JSR 375 (JavaEE Security API)

JSR 375 (JavaEE Security API) On February 2nd, 2017, we held our second NLJUG JCP meeting. This time, the subject of the event was the JSR 375 specification (“JavaEE Security API”), which is scheduled for Java EE 8 and 9. The programme for this evening looked like this: We started out with a nice dinner buffet, generously provided by our …

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Used Car Dealer Sales Tricks Exposed

Don’t act so surprised, Your Highness. You weren’t on any mercy mission this time. Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by Rebel spies. I want to know what happened to the plans they sent you. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. Partially, but it also obeys your commands. I want to come with you to …

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