Java: Functional Programming f(x) – Part2

In the previous article we discussed about the importance of Functional Programming, Lambda Calculus etc. In this article, we further discuss about important features of Functional Programming like 1. Lambda Expressions 2. Method References 3. Functional Interfaces 4. Streams API And we will discuss about the relationship between each of the features. Lambda Expressions JSR 335 has greatly facilitated programming …

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JavaFX Links of May 2024

Here is the overview of the JavaFX LinksOfTheMonth of May 2024, published on during this month. Core When Johan Vos shares his notes, you may want to keep on eye on them…: “While working on Java on Mobile, I keep my notes here (best viewed with lynx). This is not user/developer documentation, but people interested/familiar with OpenJDK building might …

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Who instruments the instrumenters?

Fixing bugs in Spring Boot and Mockito by instrumenting them Have you ever wondered how libraries like Spring and Mockito modify your code at run-time to implement all their advanced features? Wouldn’t it be cool to get a peek behind the curtains? This is the premise of my meta-agent, a Java agent to instrument instrumenters, to get these insights and …

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My opinion on the Tauri framework

I’ve always liked GUI, both desktop-based and browser-based before you needed five years of training on the latter. That’s the reason I loved, and still love Vaadin: you can develop web UIs without writing a single line of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. I’m still interested in the subject; a couple of years ago, I analyzed the state of JVM desktop …

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Five Java Developer Must-Haves For Ultra-Fast Startup Solutions

Faster Java startup must not compromise developer experience, throughput performance, or security. We discuss how we achieved this with Liberty InstantOn. By Vijay Sundaresan, Thomas Watson, Laura Cowen Many solutions that promise ultra-fast startup times for serverless Java apps force you to compromise on developer experience, throughput performance, or security. We’ll show you how to get ultra-fast startup of your …

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Indexing all of Wikipedia, on a laptop

In November, Cohere released a dataset containing all of Wikipedia, chunked and embedded to vectors with their multilingual-v3 model. Computing this many embeddings yourself would cost in the neighborhood of $5000, so the public release of this dataset makes creating a semantic, vector-based index of Wikipedia practical for an individual for the first time. Here’s what we’re building:  You can …

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Top 7 Java Microservices Frameworks

History of Microservices The concept of microservices has its roots in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), which was prominent in the early 2000s. However, the term “microservices” itself didn’t appear until around 2012, when it started being discussed at software architecture events and on software architecture blogs. Early pioneers of microservices include companies like Netflix, Amazon, and eBay. For instance, in …

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The TornadoVM Programming Model Explained

Key Takeaways TornadoVM offers an API for parallel programming on modern hardware that tackles data parallel, task parallel and pipeline parallel applications. TornadoVM offers different abstractions to developers to be able to express parallel applications in Java, identify the methods to offload, and dispatch the application on the corresponding accelerators. Task-Graphs and Execution Plans are the main building blocks of …

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Exploring Cost-Effective Solutions for Stateful Rest Services

A Case Study with IBM Cloud Code Engine, EclipseStore, and IBM Cloud Object Storage In the dynamic realm of cloud computing, finding cost-effective solutions for stateful rest services that don’t necessarily require scaling can be a nuanced challenge. In this article, we’ll take a pragmatic look at a use case leveraging IBM Cloud Code Engine, EclipseStore, and IBM Cloud Object …

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