Foojay Podcast #66: Let’s Talk About Java Code! Diving into a few Foojay blog posts…

Author: Frank Delporte

Original post on Foojay: Read More

Table of Contents

VideoPodcast (audio only)GuestsLinksContent

In this Foojay podcast, we dive into a few articles that were published recently and focus on code.

  • Igor Kulakov of JetBrains gives us his insights into the tool he created to find duplicate content in documentation.
  • Rijo Sam explains how you can generate real random values and how he created a train departure display.
  • Maxillian Arruda explains in a very detailed post the different ways to construct a complex Java object.
  • And we start with Wim De Troye about the code changes he had to do in a project that got upgraded from Spring Boot 2 to 3.


Podcast (audio only)




00:00 Introduction of the topics and guests

00:55 Wim De Troyer
03:27 Pro or contra Lombok?
06:09 BeanValidation as part of the solution
07:40 Generating a config JSON file

08:50 Maxillian Arruda
09:19 What is a complex object?
12:09 Using records to simplify object creation
14:48 Telescoping constructors
16:08 Static factory method
19:09 Builder pattern
21:00 The risks of rewriting a project
23:00 Thread safety in object creation

27:53 Rijo Sam
29:07 java.util.Random is not fully random…
30:20 About SecureRandom, seeds, and blocking algorithms
34:16 Vaadin railway display
37:43 Getting railway data from an open API
38:44 It’s a PET project together with Rijo’s partner Ancy
40:22 Runs on a Raspberry Pi
41:18 The next project…

41:34 Igor Kulakov
43:02 DRY principle in documentation
43:37 How the tool works an integration in JetBrains products
44:54 Test-first approach in the project
47:10 Not using AI (yet) to avoid extra cost, local systems could be integrated
48:22 Input data the tool can handle
49:14 Highlights of the blog (and following) post(s)

54:35 Outro

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