JManc Unconference 2024

The Manchester Java Community are delighted to announce the return of JManc Unconference on Friday 28th June 2024!

It’s been a few years since we last hosted JManc, and a lot has changed in the world, but one thing we’ve learned in the Manchester Java Community is that in-person events are what we love the most. JManc provides another opportunity for us to get together with like-minded people from the Java community.

As in previous years, Java and JVM enthusiasts of all levels and backgrounds will gather at Auto Trader UK’s offices in Manchester city centre for a day full of engaging conversations. The unconference format means that the schedule is decided on the day by you, the attendees. This results in a diverse range of sessions across topics such as JVM programming languages, modern software delivery practices, devops, cloud native and agile.

We expect attendees to be predominantly local to the Manchester area however, if previous years are anything to go by, we’ll have guests from further afield too. In 2018 we had one attendee from Las Vegas! Ok, they were passing through anyway which made JManc convenient, but we can pretend that JManc was the main reason they were this side of the pond.

We also have the pleasure of welcoming Helen Scott from JetBrains who will help us start the day with an inspiring keynote. Helen will talking about developer experience with a focus on AI, developer tooling and ways of working. While a traditional conference style session like this isn’t necessarily typical for an unconference, we believe it’s the perfect way for us to kick off the day in advance of getting into the more conversational shcedule driven by our attendees.

Following a full day of high quality sessions our partners, ECOM, will be hosting us for the social. In previous years this has been a great way to round off the day, continuing the conversations into evening.

Something that’s reallt important to us the Manchester Java Community is making JManc accessible to as many people as possible which is why we have ensured that the event is free to attend like in previous years. This is only possible due to the support of our sponsors, so huge thanks again to Auto Trader UK’s and ECOM.

For more details about JManc you can check out our website:

If you are already convinced that attending JManc is for you, you can register via Eventbrite.

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