Security4Teens – First8

Kennismaken met ethisch hacken, bewustwording van veilig social media gebruik, privacy en security. Om de digitale weerbaarheid bij tieners te versterken, organiseert First8, in samenwerking met de Radboud Universiteit op …

TEQnation 2019

DeFabrique, Utrecht

The Biggest multitrack Tech Conference of the Netherlands for all software developers. At TEQnation you can broaden your knowledge at our hands-on labs, hackathons, technical sessions, live demonstrations and workshops, …

Java Champion Heinz Kabutz – Qualogy

On May 20th, Qualogy will open its doors for Java Champion Heinz Kabutz. Heinz will give two talks at Qualogy’s head office in Rijswijk. Interested? Program 18:00 Welcome and food …

Team Rockstars IT Presents Adam Bien

Op 21 mei aanstaande staat Adam Bien op het Team Rockstars IT HQ te doen waar hij goed in is; zijn absolute kennis delen! Plekken zijn gelimiteerd beschikbaar; zorg dus …

Advanced Kotlin – Codestar

Codestar.Night presents: Advanced Kotlin These talks are no introduction to Kotlin! We at Codestar love solving challenges with functional and reactive programming. Since Kotlin has been gaining traction we think …

J-Spring 2019

TivoliVredenburg Utrecht

Mark your calendar: this year's J-Spring will be on Thursday May 29st in Utrecht, NL. J-Spring is  The NLJUG Java Conference Don't miss it - see you there! click here to go to the J-Spring website!

Cloud-native App Dev on Azure Roadshow – Microsoft

Calling all Java developers! Is your company looking to explore the power of open source software? Join Red Hat and Microsoft June 7, at the Microsoft office in Schiphol, and learn how to accelerate your application development and delivery with microservices frameworks like Thorntail/MicroProfile, Vert.x, Spring Boot, and Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP), OpenShift, and …

think Summit – IBM

IBM nodigt je uit voor de Developer Night! Graag nodigen we je uit voor IBM’s Developer Night op 13 juni. Een avond voor en door developers: vol code, live demo’s en tech talks. Wil jij er ook bij zijn? De registratie is nu geopend! For English, click here Leer de nieuwste digitale technologieën kennen Tijdens …

Accelerating Java Applications – jPinpoint

3 days: 18-20 June 2019 | Covers Java 8&11 In the jPinpoint Accelerating Java applications training you learn to structurally improve the speed of Java applications. The training is aimed at finding, removing and preventing of speed limitations in Java applications. Instructor: Jeroen Borgers, Java performance consultant. Audience This training is aimed at experienced Java developers, architects, performance testers …