BPMN 2.0 Training – Camunda

Learn BPMN 2.0 for real! We show you how to successfully use BPMN, independent from specific software tools. As a member of the OMG, we are directly involved in the …

Codesmiths unite! Groningen – Ordina

Wat we doen De belangrijkste kernwaarde van Ordina JTech is kennisdeling. Voor de JTech Codesmiths is dit het belangrijkste doel. Deze groep spreekt op Java en developer conferenties zoals JavaOne, …

NextBuild 2018

HighTech Campus Eindhoven

The NextBuild Conference is intended for developers/architects who are passionate about software development and want to learn, meet and share. Why should you attend? If you are interested in learning new technology, meeting …

Music & Architecture – De Belastingdienst

Beste Java specialist, Graag nodigen we je uit voor een meetup met twee onderwerpen: Music & Architecture. Music Wat is er toffer dan muziek maken en programmeren tegelijk? Sam Aaron kan dat …

Backend summit 2018 – ING

Invitation Hi Engineers, It's already been more than a year since our last internal backend summit took place but the fun will finally be back! This year's summit will be …

Think Developer Night Amsterdam – IBM

Hoe zet je je eigen blockchain op? Leveren serverless cloudplatformen je meer vragen op dan antwoorden? Hoe analyseer je IoT-data op een slimme manier? En wat kun je met quantum …

Software; motor van vooruitgang – Get There

Donderdag 11 oktober organiseert Get There een nieuw kennisevent met als thema ‘Software; motor van vooruitgang’. Ontmoet mede-Java engineers, geniet van heerlijk eten, en laat je inspireren door sessies van …

Surviving The Cloud Native Storm – Thales, Profit4cloud

We are happy to invite you to the office of Thales Hengelo! Because we appreciate your attendance we will take care of food, drinks and a nice conversation. Seats are limited, so quickly sign up using the following link! Surviving the Cloud Native storm! An architecture without a Cloud Native foundation will slow you down …

Axon 4.0 : Product Launch Webinar – AxonIQ

Axon 4.0 is a platform consisting of the popular, Apache 2 licensed, Axon Framework, and the new, built-for-purpose Axon Server. While they can be used independently, together they show their true power. Axon 4.0 includes both a programming model as well as specialized infrastructure to provide enterprise ready operational support for the programming model - …