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Get hip with JHipster ( spring boot + angular / react ) – Utrecht JUG
13 March 2018

What we’ll do
18:00 – 18:30: Welcome & Dinner
18:45 – 19:25: Getting Hip with JHipster
19:25 – 19:40: Break
19:40 – 20:30: Easy Microservices with JHipster (build and deploy microservices with JHipster)
20:30 – 21:30: Drinks!!!
About the talks
Getting Hip with JHipster
JHipster is a development platform to generate, develop and deploy Spring Boot + Angular / React Web applications and Spring microservices. Come let us build a complete monolithic application with JHipster and explore the features that it offers. Monitoring and Metrics. Entity generation with JDL. How it enhances the developer experience and makes it easier / faster and better to create the application.
Easy Microservices with JHipster
10,000 microservices are generated each month using JHipster! During this in-depth session by the two JHipster lead developers, we’ll detail: How to develop and deploy microservices with JHipster? What does it offer? Join this session and start creating your microservices with JHipster easier / faster and better.
About the speaker
Sendil is a part of JHipster core dev team and writing a book on Full stack development with JHipster. He is a member of Webpack contributor team. Sendil is also doing a course on Using docker for Microservices and is an active open source contributor. 50% discount on Ebook and 15% discount on print books (Full stack development with JHipster)