Red Hat Tech Talk Series for Developers

Our latest webinar series is designed to help developers get the most from their applications. Across four webinars we’ll show you how to effectively create cloud applications at scale and determine which tools are right for you.

You can explore:

Platform abstraction with OpenShift serverless— See end-to-end how Knative, developer tools, Camel-K, Strimzi, and other middleware services come together as OpenShift Serverless, a hybrid platform for serverless based on Red Hat® OpenShift®

Cloud-native CI/CD with Tekton and OpenShift— Exploring Tekton Pipelines, an open-source project focusing on providing a Kubernetes-native, lightweight, easy-to-manage serverless CI/CD framework.

Building more secure applications with Istio, KeyCloak, and Vault— Using open source technologies Istio Service Mesh, KeyCloak for user authn/authz and Vault for secrets and configuration to minimize complexity and make deployments more secure.

OpenShift Service Mesh in action– Simplifying microservices and cloud-native app dev with a simple polyglot microservices app running on OpenShift using OpenShift Service Mesh, Istio, Jaeger, and Kiali.

Catch up on the full collection now.